Clark County Food Bank assists neighbors in completing and submitting SNAP 'Basic Food' Applications (virtually) in Washington State.
Please fill out the form below for an appointment with a member of our SNAP Application Assistance team. During this appointment our team will call you at the number you provide and assist you in completing a SNAP Basic Food Application.
Clark County Food Bank is an assisting agency to Washington State Department of Social and Health Services to help with SNAP application submission, we cannot assist with benefit follow up interviews.
If you simply have questions about SNAP but don't want to submit an application yet then please call Clark County Food Bank at 360-693-0939 to talk with a SNAP team member.
Note: Only 1 appointment is necessary for each household that shares food/groceries.
Please have the following information prepared for each household member before your scheduled appointment:
Income & Employer Information
Housing Costs
Social Security Number
Assets & Resources