Become a Partner
The work of Clark County Food Bank would not be possible without the dedicated support of our network of over 50 Partner Agencies.
To be eligible to become a Partner Agency of Clark County Food Bank, an organization must meet the criteria listed below.
If you are interested in becoming a Partner Agency, please review the criteria and then fill out our Prospective Partner Agency Form.
Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee partnership. We appreciate your support of our mission to alleviate hunger and its root causes.
Partnership Eligibility Criteria
Currently qualifies as a 501(c)3 nonprofit with tax-exempt status by the IRS or meets the criteria for a church. Program may be sponsored by another or parent 501(c)3 organization, proper documentation is required.
Is located and provides services in Clark County, Washington
Has provided services for at least 6 months.
Has additional sources of food to meet program needs. Clark County Food Bank should not be the sole food source for your program.
Does not sell the products nor use the products to raise money for the organization
Distributes or provides food on the basis of need, emergency or illness.
Does not require individuals to exchange money or services for food.
Does not exclude individuals from assistance on the basis of race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability or political affiliations
Does not require attendance at any religious or political meeting before receiving assistance
For pantry service, has adequate and secure storage facilities
If preparing meals, can provide up-to-date health department permits and inspection records and has adequate and secure storage and food preparation facilities.
Has the capability to meet their financial obligations if participating in co-op purchasing program
Has the administrative capability to maintain proper record-keeping and to submit monthly reports to Clark County Food Bank.
Has vehicles and people to pick-up orders from Clark County Food Bank warehouse.
Prospective Partner Agency Application Process
Review Partnership Eligibility Requirements (above)
Complete Prospective Partner Form
Clark County Food Bank Committee confirms eligibility and current capacity
Site Visits
(you visit us and we visit you!)
Complete Partner Application and submit supporting documents
Final approval process
(can take up to 6 weeks to process)
Submission of an interest form does not guarantee partnership with Clark County Food Bank.
Questions? Please e-mail partner@clarkcountyfoodbank.org